Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday

Happy Birthday to our dear, sweet Rebekah! One year ago, I was in my hospital bed looking at this precious baby wondering how we could be so blessed to have another daughter in our family. The Lord certainly provided us with an amazing gift! Rebekah, I love everything about you. I love that you are so curious and inquisitive. I love that you have a bit of spunk in your personality. I love that you are so friendly to strangers. I love that you will crawl over to me just to be held and snuggled for a few seconds before getting back to playing. I even love that you take your shoes and socks off in the car every single trip, even when it's 20 degrees outside. I love that you have to eat your cheese before anything else during lunch.

You have a a playful personality that draws people to you. Your smile is contagious! You definitely have a mind of your own, vocalizing your displeasure when you're unhappy or when you have been disciplined. You love Elise so very much and want to do or play with everything that she does. One of my favorit moments of the day is when you two play "hide and seek" before prayers and bed.

Rebekah, the Lord has certainly blessed us with you in our family. I am so looking forward to the year and years ahead to see the girl and woman He has designed you to be. You are so very special to Daddy and me, and we love you so very much!