We're back from our trip to Pensacola. We had such a nice time, and the girls did really well with the flying, driving, time change, sleeping in a hotel, and basic upheaval of their usual routine. Here are some highlights.

Wednesday morning we got to see the Blue Angels practice. It was really neat, although it was making my stomach turn just watching some of the aerial acrobatics they do. We spent the rest of the morning at the National Naval Aviation Museum- admission is free. Elise had a great time checking out all of the planes and pretending to be a pilot.

Wednesday afternoon we went to Pensacola Beach and visited with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. It was so nice to catch up a bit at the beach- so peaceful and beautiful. Elise had fun with Ray in the ocean, and Rebekah took a nap in the beach tent.

Thursday morning we went to Perdido Key. That beach was further away from our hotel but a little more quiet. Rebekah slept some more while Elise played with some family's toys they left at the beach. The weather was great and there was a slight breeze. We took long naps that afternoon, and after dinner we got to see a parade. It went right past our hotel. We didn't have to do anything for these beads- they just kept throwing them and throwing them. Elise kept putting them around her neck. No wonder when we got back to our room she couldn't walk straight. They were weighing her down.

Friday morning we went back to Pensacola Beach for a short visit. Later that morning we went to the TT Wentworth Jr Museum- admission is free. The third floor had a discovery area for kids that was set up like a Spanish colony. Once she got warmed up, Elise had a great time checking out the ship, cottage, trading post, Indian village, and fort. That evening we went to the rehearsal dinner and visited with more family. The only bad part is when you go to a wedding, you don't get to catch up with the bride and groom because they have so much to do and so many people to see themselves. It's alright though. Ray and I completely understand what that's like. Ray loved all of the food. We got in the car to go back to our hotel, and he was wondering what they were going to do with the leftovers even though he said he was about into a food coma!
Saturday morning we got to Pensacola Beach early to play for a bit before the ladies went to the Bridal luncheon. While we were at the Bridal luncheon, which was a lovely intimate affair, the men took care of the girls (minus Rebekah because she doesn't like the bottle anymore). They all had a good time, and we all took long, much need naps that afternoon before the big event. The wedding was beautiful, and Elizabeth was such a graceful bride. Her dress was absolutely gorgeous, and Harley looked excellent in his seersucker suit.

We had a lot of fun at the reception. Again, Ray couldn't stop talking about the food! At one point Deb said, "I can't believe Ray's not out on the dance floor yet." To which Ray responded, "As long as there's still food out, I'll be right here." Elise had fun "dancing" with everyone. Rebekah was very tired and hungry, so she and I left early. Ray said the toasts were nice and the cake was good- he had two pieces!

Sunday morning it was time to say goodbye to Pensacola and head back to New Orleans for our flight home. We stopped in Fairhope, Alabama for church. The bishop was there, so we got to stay for a southern potluck lunch. Ray was happy they had asian slaw- Ray gets excited about food. We got to the airport late and our flight was overbooked, so I got on the plane with Elise and Rebekah. Ray was going to have to take a later flight, and I was sitting on the plane trying to console Elise because Daddy wasn't there and trying to figure out what I was going to do during the layover with two girls, a backpack, a car seat and no stroller, when Elise said, "DADDY!" I looked up and there was Ray coming on the plane. God answers prayers!!! That was a sure sign of His goodness to us.
We're home, getting back into our routine, doing lots of laundry, and looking back on our vacation with fondness.