I just love the library. Not only are there the books and movies you can check out, but they also have various programs for children. The best thing is that it's all FREE! One of my favorite words and something's that's very important to a stay at home mom. I love reading (when I have the time), and I hope to encourage this hobby in Elise and Rebekah. If you saw our house, you wouldn't think we needed to visit the library to get books for Elise, but we visit more for my sanity in reading to her. I have at least 10 of her books memorized, and I like to change up the reading list every once in a while. OK, so we go to the library just about every week! We go for story time, and I just think it's the cutest thing to see Elise sitting with the other kids by the librarian's feet as she reads stories. Elise really likes to play in the children's area, and the theme this month is dinosaurs. Today, she was putting on a little puppet show for me- we were the only ones there. She would pick up the puppet, say its color, and then roar. I've also learned that if I'm pressed for time, if I get the books that are displayed on the top of the shelves, they are usually all pretty good. So we have three new books for this week. So far I think I like
Lentil by Robert McCloskey the best.

A little note on Rebekah. The last couple of weeks, she has been reaching for toys as I hand them to her. Yesterday, she just started reaching and playing with "Buddyfly" on her car seat. She tries to grab it but can't quite get it. When I put her in the car and move the handle back, she follows her little friend and then gives me a "where'd he go?" look. The funniest thing is when I am getting her out of the car, Rebekah gets so happy and excited and she reaches for my face, and I get a little wet slap on my cheek. I'd say it's a love tap. She's such a little sweetie.