Happy 3rd birthday, Elise! I can hardly believe that three years ago today, you were born, and my life changed in a completely unimaginable and wonderful way!
You are one of the most fun-loving kids I know. You have a zest for life and spark that people always seem to comment on. You LOVE to be outside. It doesn't matter what the weather, you would prefer to be out playing, walking, coloring, picnicking, or a host of other things than be inside. You love helping Daddy cut the grass or shovel snow. Picking weeds is something you just started doing, and that's a big help to Mommy! This year you started Sunday School, and your love for Jesus has grown and you love to read and talk about your Bible stories. My heart sings everytime I hear you belt out one of your Sunday School songs. Sometimes you'll even "read" your Bible stories to yourself because you love them so much and know them so well. Mommy and Daddy learn so much from you in your faith.
You are a wonderful big sister to Rebekah. In the last month or so, you've started calling her the baby, even though she's really not that much smaller than you. You are so loving and caring and protective of her. You are learning to be gentle in how you share with her and speak to her, and I hope that as you grow up together, you will remain very close and loving friends.
I love everything about you. I love how you piece things together. I love that you use the words probaly and maybe in just about every other sentence. I love that you look forward to storytime at the library each week. I love your love for the outdoors. I love that you have a shy personality when you first meet someone and you are your silly self around those you're comfortable with. I love that you ask so many questions. I love that you like big machines! I love how much you love Daddy, and you are his little buddy. I even love that you suck your thumb and play with your hair... you wouldn't be Elise if you didn't.
How were we so blessed to welcome you into our family three years ago? Daddy and I love you so much and are so glad you are our daughter! We will love you forever and always and look forward to the year ahead to see how your personality grows and in the years ahead to the woman you become. May the Lord continue to richly bless you!